Welcome to Bret Harte Elementary School's blog. As we enter a new school year, I am excited about some of the opportunities that will be provided for the students. One of the goals for this year is to maximize the use of the blog in order to ensure that parents, teachers, students and the community at large are aware and can communicate about the events that we have to offer. We are committed to providing students with a rich educational experience at Bret Harte School. The vision for our students is that they will become lifelong readers and writers, problem-solvers, and theory-builders through an emphasis on literacy, mathematics, and science.


Bret Harte School will foster a community of student and adult learners. Our students will become lifelong readers and writers, problem-solvers, and theory-builders through an emphasis on literacy, mathematics, and science. By making their practice public to one another and other Area 15 schools, teachers will continually reflect on and refine the instruction they provide to our students.

Mission Statement

Bret Harte will provide an optimal learning model across the content areas of demonstration, shared demonstration, guided practice, and independent practice, thus ensuring differentiated instruction to meet our students’ needs. We are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment that promotes academic excellence, reflection, responsibility for self and community, and respect for diversity

Are you excited about the new school year?

Local School Council (LSC) 2006-2008

Parent Representatives

Mrs. Diane Phillips-Billingsley
Mr. Rodney Shelley
Mrs. Jennifer Alexander

Community Representatives

Ms. Zanette Sanders
Mr. William Sweetland

Teacher Representatives

Mrs. Coney
Ms. Hampton

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Welcome Back to School

School starts on Tuesday, September 2, 2008. All of the teachers and staff are looking forward to great year

1 comment:

clarabenet90@gmail.com said...

Red hot cover ! A book this hot really deserves a good launch. I would suggest honestbookreview dot com to give your book a good start.